Creative Elements Photography is a new and fast growing photography start-up founded by our two co-founders in Bath, UK, in June 2021. Currently specialising in Landscape, Travel and Adventure Photography, we are passionate about getting the best shots for our customers and constantly seek new opportunities to grow our collection. You can view the collection of our best images in our store or via our instagram page, with an option to purchase a variety of prints should you wish.
You'll often find us on a shoot in remote locations across the UK, recent locations include The Isle of Skye, Glen Coe, Dartmoor, Peak District, Lake District and Snowdonia to name but a few. We are also blessed with the City of Bath which provides endless inspiration and shooting opportunities when we are back home.
We are constantly looking to expand our brand and for new opportunities, we welcome your feedback via our socials, email and webchat. If you wish to work with us, please do get in touch.
The Creative Elements Team